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Dilly Beans

From Suncoast Co-op

<p>When you have access to a good supply of green beans and want to put some away for the winter.</p>
Source: Comes from Maine canners
Servings: 4 Pints
Ingredient keywords: beans, Kosher, Vinegar, garlic, dill
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Dilly Poached Salmon

From Stones River Market

<p>A delicious,easy, low calorie summer meal.</p>
Source: Don't remember
Servings: Tailor it to your needs
Ingredient keywords: dill
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Dilly Poached Salmon

From Stones River Market

<p>A delicious,easy, low calorie summer meal.</p>
Source: Don't remember
Servings: Tailor it to your needs
Ingredient keywords: dill
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Dilly Scapes

From CSA Farmers Market

<p>Another way to preserve the garlic scapes for later</p> Vegan!
Source: Adapted from Ball's Blue Book recipe for Dilly Beans, found on the www
Servings: 4 pints
Ingredient keywords: garlic, vinegar
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Dimlama (Harvest Stew from Uzbekistan)

From Miami County Locally Grown

<p>I have an adventurous friend who likes to cook international dishes. She told me you have got to try dimlama &#8211; its delicious! So I made it and she is right! The cumin / garlic seasoning and layering the vegetables gives it a unique flavor.</p> <p>I highly suggest you open up the webpage before making the stew. The pictures will make your mouth water and they show you how big to cut the veggies.</p>
Servings: 6
Ingredient keywords: onion, potatoes, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, garlic, green, cumin, cabbage, cilantro
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Dipping Oil

From Miami County Locally Grown

<p>I mix organic olive oil with salt, pepper, Parmesan cheese and a blend of herbs for a great flavored oil for dipping.</p> Vegetarian!
Source: Deb Spencer
Servings: Varies according to proportions
Ingredient keywords: Olive, Italian, Italy, Parmesan, Baguette
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Dog Treats

From Farm Where Life is Good

<p>I make these dog treats for my pack and usually vary what veggies I add depending on the time of year.</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: I just looked at the packages of some of my dogs favorite treats a flew by the seat of my pants
Servings: fills my big dog treat jar
Ingredient keywords: flour, oats, wheat, flax, sunflower, canolia, carrots, apple, potato, parsley, garlic, salt
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Doris Parr's Rhubarb Pie

From Miami County Locally Grown

<p>My Mom made this rhubarb pie every year. It is delicious (and I&#8217;m not a rhubarb fan).</p>
Source: Doris Parr
Servings: 8 slices
Ingredient keywords: lard, eggs, rhubarb, eggs
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Duck Egg Mayonnaise

From Oklahoma Farm Fresh

<p>A thick, rich and creamy mayonnaise made with a duck egg yolk. And yes, It’s Paleo. You can substitute 1 large chicken egg yolk but will miss out on the incredible flavor and amazing thickness the duck egg gives. Macadamia nut oil is the preferred oil.</p> <p>If you want yours European style with olive oil, do not use all extra virgin olive oil in this or else you will end up with a bitter tasting mayonnaise. If you want this to be olive oil flavored mix in a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil with avocado oil. This also makes a little over a cup.</p> <p>If you don’t want to do the whisked version you can try a much easier <a href=";v=GbPF_rLpd9o">alternative with an immersion blender</a>, just be sure to use the same ingredients from my recipe and put in all the ingredients at the beginning.</p> Vegetarian!
Servings: 16 tablespoon-size servings
Ingredient keywords: duck
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Easier Than Pie Apple Crisp

From GFM

<p>Easier-Than-Pie Apple Crisp &#8211; serves 6<br /> Ingredients<br /> 7 or 8 apples (preferably tart and crisp)<br /> 1 ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon<br /> 1 cup flour<br /> ⅔ cup rolled oats<br /> ¾ cup packed brown sugar<br /> ¼ cup chopped nuts (optional)<br /> ½ cup (1 stick) butter or margarine</p>
Source: From Vermont Fresh Handbook
Servings: 6
Ingredient keywords: Apples, Cinnamon, Brown, 1, optional
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